ThinkPenguin, Inc. was founded in 2008 to improve support for GNU/Linux and other free software operating systems. The company's main objective has been to bring together the products, services, documentation, and support needed for users to confidently utilize free software operating systems.
Free software is a set of principles that ensure users retain full control over their computers and devices. Free software can be used, studied, and modified without restriction.
Besides working to improve support and documentation through direct action the company helps fund and develop a number of important projects. From working with companies that design the chips that go into our devices to getting a complete set of code released for modern wifi chipsets. The company has helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for a variety of projects. One such project focuses on the development of a completely free distribution for routers and other embedded devices. Another aims to modularize core components with the aim of reducing design and manufacturing costs countering industry trends toward proprietarization and the locking down of devices.
If you like the idea of gaining control of your devices and your life consider supporting us and the projects we’re working on. It takes more than just a user base to change an otherwise dystopian future. It takes the support of a community.
Contact Information
Users familiar with encryption (FSF self defense guide to learn more) can download our new (2025 and onward) GPG Public Key and email chris at thinkpenguin com. Alternatively if not sending encrypted email: sales at thinkpenguin com or: support at thinkpenguin com. If returning goods please contact us for an RMA #. Please let us know the country you will be shipping the goods to us from. Our main offices, US warehouse, and mailing address is 63 Emerald Street Phone: 1-888-39-THINK (84465) |
For media inquiries, please contact
Public Relations Customer Support Please visit the support page PenguinVPN Privacy Policy Product Warranty, Terms & Conditions, Support, & Returns |
Payment Options
We accept major cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, and Monero in addition to PayPal, Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express. We also now accept US personal checks, US cashiers checks, and US money orders up to US $250. We reserve the right to refuse any check, money order, or cashiers check, or otherwise wait up to 14-days for a payment to clear at our discretion. We're also accepting Goldbacks and US cash by mail, with the customer retaining all the risk this entails. For a quote in Monero, Dash, or Goldbacks contact sales. |
Frequently Asked Questions & International Orders
We ship to most countries. See our FAQs page for details on shipping internationally and other frequently asked questions. |