

A free, open-source Integrated Development Environment for software developers. You get all the tools you need to create professional desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications with the Java language, C/C++, and even dynamic languages such as PHP, JavaScript, Groovy, and Ruby.


MonoDevelop is an IDE primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages. MonoDevelop enables developers to quickly write desktop and ASP.NET Web applications on Linux. MonoDevelop makes it easy for developers to port .NET applications created with Visual Studio to Linux and to maintain a single code base for all platforms.


Little Wizard is a development environment for children. It is intended to be used by primary school children to learn about the main elements of real computer languages. Using only the mouse, children can explore programming concepts such as variables, expressions, loops, conditions, and logical blocks. Every element of the language is represented by an intuitive icon, making it easy to learn.


KTurtle is an educational programming environment for the KDE Desktop. KTurtle aims to make programming as easy and touchable as possible, and therefore can be used to teach kids the basics of math, geometry and... programming.


KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use What You See Is What You Get web page editing.

KompoZer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it ideal for non-technical computer users who want to create an attractive, professional-looking web site without needing to know HTML or web coding.

Note: Ubuntu 8.10 & 9.04 were released with a few bugs which cause KompoZer to crash. Assistance may be required to install this program on these versions otherwise use the download & install link to the right.

To install Upgrade Ubuntu first to a newer version from: System -> Administration -> Update Manager

Or manually install:

1. Download fix version.
2. When prompted on what Firefox should do with this file select Open with Archive Manager (default)
3. Click on kompozer-0.8a2 folder and select from the menu Extract
4. Click on the Desktop and select Extract
5. Close out of the Archive Manager and double click the kompzer-0.8a2 on the desktop
6. Double click on kompozer and when prompted select run

Extra steps to add an icon to the desktop
7. Right click on the kompozer in step 6 and select Make Link
8. Click on the Link to compozer icon and drag it to the desktop


KLinkStatus is a link checker for KDE. It allows you to search internal and external links in your entire web site, just a single page and choose the depth to search. You can also check local files, ftp, fish, etc, as KLinkStatus uses KIO. For performance, links can be checked simultaneously.


Kivio is a flowcharting and diagramming application for the KOffice application suite, and has a user interface that is similar to Microsoft Visio. It is fully integrated into KOffice and can for example be embedded into KWord.


* Scriptable stencils using Python.
* Support for Dia stencils.
* Plugin framework for adding more functionality.


KImageMapEditor is a tool for editing image maps. Image maps are used in HTML. The program fully integrates with Quanta if installed.


KDbg is a graphical user interface to gdb, the GNU debugger. It provides an intuitive interface for setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and stepping through code.


jEdit is a mature programmer's text editor with hundreds (counting the time developing plugins) of person-years of development behind it.

While jEdit beats many expensive development tools for features and ease of use, it is released as free software and is available at no-cost through the Ubuntu repository with full source code.