Directions for those who purchased a mesh kit

Directions For Mesh Kit Setup:

The 5pk mesh kit contains 1 primary mesh node that can be connected to the internet via an ethernet cable. You can connect an ethernet cable from the WAN port to an upstream router's LAN port / or modem. The remaining 4 mesh nodes have been configured such that you can connect computers to the LAN and WAN ports. That is the WAN port isn't acting as a WAN port here, but rather just another LAN port. For those who purchased a 3pk mesh kit the same applies, except you're missing nodes 4 and 5.

Connect the antennas and power cable for each of the nodes. You can use the USB power adapter with the micro USB cable to do this. The first node you should connect an ethernet cable from the WAN port to an upstream router with internet connectivity or a modem. This provides the mesh network with internet access.

Once the nodes are powered up a password can be set for each of the access points that users can connect to. Right now the default password to login to each router is the word 'none' without the quotes. The default password for each of the access points (libreCMC-1, libreCMC-2, libreCMC-3, libreCMC-4, and libreCMC-5) is 'librecmc' without the quotes. You can change this by logging in to each router/node. Select an access point to connect to or use an ethernet cable between your computer and a LAN port on any of the routers to connect to the mesh network. Then open a browser and go to each of the nodes configuration pages by enter the nodes IP address. The IP addresses of the mesh nodes are:,,, You enter these IP addresses into the address bar of the browser and hitting enter to access the nodes configuration interface. You can login with the default password 'none' and then go to Network > Wireless and click the edit button that is next to the access point name (libreCMC-1, libreCMC-2, libreCMC-3, etc). Then click the wireless security tab and enter whatever password you'd like to use to access the mesh access point. Note: libreCMC-mesh is not an access point for you to connect to as a user. It's the SSID for the meshes to connect to each other.

For better security it would also be a good idea to change the mesh network's password to something random. Currently it is set to 'librecmc'. To do that go to Network > Wireless and click the Edit button next to libreCMC-mesh. Then click the Wireless Security tab and enter a password where it says Key. Then click Save & Apply. You need to do this for each node if you change the password here.