General instructions for connecting to a VPN provider (model TPE-R1100 & TPE-R1200)

Using a VPN
A default VPN firewall configuration is provided, but does not include
credentials for using with a VPN provider or server. In order to make this
configuration usable, do the following:

1) Extract the Default-VPN-Config.tar.gz

2) create the openvpn folder in etc :

mkdir etc/openvpn

3) Place your VPN server / provider's *.ovpn file
in etc/openvpn/

4) Edit the *.ovpn file with the following:

* Change auth-user-pass to auth-user-pass key.txt

* Create key.txt in etc/openvpn/ This file will
contain your user name and password (first line username, second line password).

* Make sure that tun* is just reads tun

* If everything looks good, save the file.

5) Edit etc/config/openvpn with the following:

* Change the first instance of "option config /etc/openvpn/" to " option config /etc/openvpn/*.ovpn)

* Make sure that "option enabled 1" is set under "custom_config"

6) Tar up or compress the etc folder

* Right-click the etc folder, then select "Compress". Name the file a simple name, then select "*.tar.gz".

Or from the terminal :

cd /parent/directory/of/extracted/

tar fczv new-vpn-config.tar.gz etc

7) check the contents of the tarball. It should
have an etc folder in its root. If it does not,

8) If the tarball looks OK, upload it
to the router using the web-ui. Go to:

System -> Backup / Flash Firmware

* Click the "browse" button next to "Restore Backup"

* Select the new configuration tarball that was just created.

9) The router should reboot and the new VPN should work.
Make sure that your router is plugged into a network
that can access the internet. After the router reboots, it
could take up to a few minutes for it to connect to the VPN. If
it can't connect, you may need to check the configuration.

These instructions are basic and don't cover all use cases. For more
information, review documentation provided by your VPN provider or