Introductory Information For Setting Up and Using Your New Mesh Network

Introductory Information For Setting Up and Using Your New Mesh Network

We don’t recommend changing the configuration on the mesh nodes as the process to configure each is complicated. While we have documented it most customers will likely find it difficult to revert to the original mesh configuration easily should something get screwed up. If you change anything we recommend only changing the default passwords. This is a wise security move.

The password for connecting to the mesh via wifi for SSIDs libreCMC-1, libreCMC-2, libreCMC-3, etc is librecmc.

The password for logging in to each mesh node is ‘none’ without the quotes.

To provide your mesh internet access and any computers you connect to it you need to connect an ethernet cable from the WAN port on this first mesh node to a LAN port on an upstream modem or router with internet access.

On this first mesh node you can physically connect a single computer to the LAN port via ethernet cable. On mesh nodes #2, #3, etc you can connect a computer to the LAN port as well, but as the internet goes through the WAN port on node #1, you can utilize the WAN port on the remaining nodes as if they were LAN ports. The WAN port has been turned into a LAN port via our default mesh configuration.

The first mesh node IP is:
The 2nd mesh node IP is:
The 3rd mesh node IP is:
[repeat for each additional node]

The default password for logging into the web user interface for each node is the word ‘none’ without the quotes. You can change this to whatever you want under System > Administration. Click the Save button to apply the new password. Make sure to write it down somewhere. Usually on the bottom of the router is a good place to keep such information.

If you want to change the password for the SSIDs (not a bad idea) you will need to login to each mesh node and go to Network > Wireless. Click the Edit button next to the wireless connection that is labeled Master. Under the Wireless Security tab you can set a password in the box that says Key. Click the Save & Apply to save and apply the new configuration. Do this for each of the mesh nodes.

If you want to change the password for the mesh network itself you can do that as well. Just go to Network > Wireless and click the edit button for the wireless connection that says Mesh Point. Under the wireless security tab change the password from librecmc to whatever you like. Just keep in mind that this password needs to be the same for all of the other mesh nodes or you will no longer have a working mesh. Click the Save & Apply button to save and apply the configuration.

Note: You may have to physically connect a cable to each mesh nodes or change the SSID you are connected to on your computer since once the password is changed for the mesh network the nodes won’t be connected to one another again until after they’ve all been changed. You may need to reboot the nodes as well. You can just unplug the power cable and plug the power cable back in or otherwise use the web user interface to do the reboot.