Moved by Liberty : 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Forum

Hosted by the Free State Project, a movement to attract 20,000 liberty activists to one state, Liberty Forum is New Hampshire's premier liberty­ oriented conference. Over the past eight years, the conference has developed a reputation for attracting distinguished speakers from across the globe to discuss pro­-freedom topics.

Liberty Forum provides attendees the opportunity to discover more about New Hampshire during the winter time. It also provides a taste of the many benefits of socializing, networking, and working with a dedicated group of like­-minded people. Attending Liberty Forum is oftentimes the "clincher" to becoming an FSP participant.

Some of the topics of the past have included: 3D printing, asset forfeiture, cryptography, computer security, whistle blowing, free software activism, counter surveillance, anonymity on the internet, and anonymous digital currencies.

The event will be held March 5th - 8th, 2015 at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH.

Stop by our table and check out some of the technology that'll help enable you to protect more of your privacy, anonymity, and civil rights online. Register for Liberty Forum 2015 now!.