NHexit.US Bumper Sticker: NH Independence: Freedom From Washington DC Politicians

NHexit.US Bumper Sticker: NH Independence: Freedom From Washington DC Politicians
Have you ever thought about a national divorce? A budding independence movement has taken New Hampshire by storm- with outrage in recent years over the growing hostility toward freedom by Washington DC politicians and a general apathy of most Americans. We've gathered enough support already in New Hampshire to push forward what is likely a historical first (in recent history): A constitutional amendment that would declare once again New Hampshire to be an independent state separate from the United States.

While round one had 13 times as many state representatives supporting independence as better known independence movements (like Texas) and 70-78% public support from the public according to a Union Leader poll we're still likely a few years away from achieving an actual declaration on independence. However, no other independence movement within the United States has gotten so far with dozens of reps willing to put forth or take seriously a vote on independence.

Support New Hampshire independence, and give freedom-loving people the world over a last bastion of hope, a place where we can call home. Support NHexit.US by buying a bumper sticker and letting everyone know you support the movement and/or grab a t-shirt for an even bigger impact. Let everyone know you support a greater, freer, and more prosperous independent New Hampshire.

For more information about the growing independence movement in New Hampshire check out the nhexit.us website, watch the first statehouse floor debate and vote, or watch this Free State Project sponsored panel on why you should support New Hampshire independence.

Product Details

10 x 3" Bumper Sticker