Setting up PenguinVPN on LibreCMC 1.5 onward (new directions)

Unfortunately major changes in libreCMC 1.5 resulted in us having to put out a new set of directions. If you have upgraded to libreCMC 1.5 you will need to follow the directions below to get the router working with our privacy friendly PenguinVPN service again. Before proceeding make sure you have your PenguinVPN user name and password. If you have not upgraded to 1.5 yet you can backup your old configuration first by logging into the router and going to System > Backup / Flash Firmware and clicking the Generate archive button. In the etc/openvpn folder you will find a key.txt file with your PenguinVPN user name and password. After doing this it is also advised to click the Perform reset button or at least don't check the box that says "Keep settings" when uploading the 1.5 image (also don't forget that you need to upload the right image, particularly with TPE-R1200 model as there is a nand and nor firmware images and these images have to be uploaded in the right order). If you try to upload an old archive backup you made under an older libreCMC release you may end up bricking the router. So don't do that.

Having trouble? Watch the demonstration video

Using a Penguin USB 4G modem with your libreCMC router to connect to the internet? If so then you need to look at a different set of directions: Connecting to PenguinVPN when using a Penguin mini router v2 and a USB 4G modem.

Warning: These directions have not been updated to include how to protect yourself against the TunnelVision / DHCP option 121 attack like our instructions for our Penguin VPN 2.0 Wireguard instructions have. If you have any questions about it please contact support and if needed let us know that you'd like updated directions that include how to protect yourself from TunnelVision / DHCP Option 121 attacks for the PenguinVPN 2.0 OpenVPN instructions for libreCMC.

0. Connect an ethernet cable from your computer to the mini wireless router's LAN port and then plug in the power. Wait for router to boot.

Steps 1-7 are only applicable to TPE-R1100 with libreCMC v1.5+

1. Open your browser and login (no password set by default, just hit login)

If you see "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" click Advance button and Accept the Risk and Continue

Connect and ethernet cable from your PC to the LAN port then open:

OK security exception

Click Advanced > Accept the Risk and Continue

2. Set password

Click Go to password configuration.. button and set a password
Hit Save button

3. Click Dismiss, Set IP, and reboot
Go to Network > Interfaces > LAN and click Edit button
Set IPv4 address to
Click Save & Apply Button
If you get "Configuration has been rolled back!" hit Apply anyway button
You will probably see a a message that says "Device unreachable!" at this point. This is normal.
Now disconnect and re-connect your PC ethernet connection via your network applet.

4. Connect an ethernet cable from the mini wireless router's WAN port to a LAN port on a modem or upstream router

5. Open in your web browser and log back in with your new password

Go to System > Software and click Update lists... button

6. Click Dismiss button and enter openvpn-openssl in the Download and install package box and click OK to install the package ... then click the Install and then Dissmiss button.

Steps 7 through 9 are applicable to BOTH TPE-R1100, TPE-R1200, and TPE-R1300 with libreCMC v1.5+

7.Download the relevant 1.5+ default PenguinVPN configuration for your model router and extract it


TPE-R1200 / TPE-R1300:

Go into the etc/openvpn/ directory that was just extracted and edit the key.txt file in a text editor

Replace the below lines with your VPN user name and password. Save and exit.


Compress the etc folder and create a tar.gz file

8. Go back to your browser and go to System > Backup / Flash Firmware and click Browse ... button under the Restore section next to the Restore backup to upload the VPN configuration tar.gz file you just created. Click Upload archive button to upload. The default login password for the router after applying the new configuration is the word none. To login to the router the new IP will be:

9. Once the router has rebooted open your browser and go to or similar web site to verify that you are connected through the VPN. It generally shouldn't show your state/country unless it just so happens to be where the VPN server is located.