File Manager


An extremly fast, lightweight, yet feature-rich file manager with tabbed browsing


* Extremly fast and lightweight
* Can be started in one second on normal machine
* Tabbed browsing (Similiar to Firefox)
* Built-in file searching utility
* Drag & Drop support
* Files can be dragged among tabs
* Load large directories in reasonable time


GNOME Commander is a "two-pane" graphical file manager. GNOME Commander aims to fulfill the demands of more advanced users who like to focus on file management, their work through special applications and running smart commands. The screenshot to the right tells a lot.


Dolphin is a file manager for KDE. It is the default file manager for the current version, KDE 4, and can be optionally installed on KDE 3. Although replaced as the default file manager for KDE 4, Konqueror is still the default web browser, and can be used as an alternative file manager for power users.