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All The Other Good Stuff
Blender 2.8: The Beginner's Guide To 3D Models and Animations (TPE-BLENBK)
Get up to speed with the latest in 3d modeling and animation using Blender 2.8. Blender is a free software application for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D animations, and computer games. With Blender, you have the freedom to use a tool that will help you put your creativity to work. This guide covers recent releases of Blender, including a new and revamped user interface.

You will learn core concepts about: The user interface- 3D navigation- Modeling and editing- Modeling tools and options- Interactive shading options- Materials and textures- Use PBR materials with Cycles and Eevee- Working with the camera- Rendering with Eevee and Cycles- Making and exporting still images- Animation and interpolation- Animation constraints- Use the follow path for animation- Animation tools and rendering- Rendering animations as videos.
  • Great for beginners: Focuses on those who have little to no prior experience with Blender

  • Covers both recent releases of Blender and those included in recent distributions

  • A practical approach with examples for all topics and step by step instructions on how to do "difficult" tasks like animations with hierarchies and constraints, how to set up a scene for render with Cycles and Eevee, and more
Please note: For those outside the US depending on what you are ordering please be aware adding this book to your shopping cart will limit your shipping options to ones that may be much more expensive if not ordering it with a computer. This book is primarily intended for shipping to customers within the US and will ship via USPS media mail due to its weight and cost unless other goods are purchased alongside it. Media mail may take longer to deliver than our normal postal shipping options.
The Unofficial Guide to Open Broadcaster Software: Livestreaming With OBS (TPE-OBSBKPAU)
Get up to speed with the latest in free software live streaming using The Unofficial Guide to Open Broadcaster Software. Open Broadcaster or OBS for short is the world's most widely used video production software. If you've ever wanted to create a video podcast or produce an unboxing video this a must have guide. This book has been developed for "non-techie" users and guides readers through all of the most important video production features.
  • Covers the most popular live-streaming app in the world and various services to stream to

  • Up-to-date: The book covers recent releases of OBS

  • Easy-to-use: Well written and easy to follow

  • Covers live streaming and the recording of professional videos: Record presentations, screen sessions, eSports, and much more
Please Note: The OSB training course previously included is no longer

Please note: For those outside the US depending on what you are ordering please be aware adding this book to your shopping cart will limit your shipping options to ones that may be much more expensive if not ordering it with a computer. This book is primarily intended for shipping to customers within the US and will ship via USPS media mail due to its weight and cost unless other goods are purchased alongside it. Media mail may take longer to deliver than our normal postal shipping options.
ZCash Cryptocurrency Sticker

Get your 2.5" x 2.5" ZCash Cryptocurrency Sticker and show your support for genuinely anonymous cryptocurrency technology. ZCash was the first truly anonymous cryptocurrency based on the addition of the ZeroCoin protocol to Bitcoin. The ZeroCoin protocol was a long term research endeavor to develop a truly private and anonymous protocol to protect Bitcoin users and make payments anonymous.

ZeroCoin is based on zero knowledge proofs which simply put is a neat mathematical way of proving something happened without anybody knowing the details thus eliminating the ability of parties to trace transactions. While Bitcoin hasn't adopted the ZeroCoin protocol the ZCash and ZenCash cryptocurrencies have. Time will tell if ZCash or ZenCash take off- but in the mean time let others know you support ZeroCoin cryptocurrencies with this ZCash Cryptocurrency Sticker.

 ZCash Cryptocurrency Pin: The Future of Internet Money

Get your 1" x 1" ZCash Cryptocurrency Pin and show your support for genuinely anonymous cryptocurrency technology. ZCash was the first truly anonymous cryptocurrency based on the addition of the ZeroCoin protocol to Bitcoin. The ZeroCoin protocol was a long term research endeavor to develop a truly private and anonymous protocol to protect Bitcoin users and make payments anonymous.

ZeroCoin is based on zero knowledge proofs which simply put is a neat mathematical way of proving something happened without anybody knowing the details thus eliminating the ability of parties to trace transactions. While Bitcoin hasn't adopted the ZeroCoin protocol the ZCash and ZenCash cryptocurrencies have. Time will tell if ZCash or ZenCash take off- but in the mean time let others know you support ZeroCoin cryptocurrencies with this ZCash Cryptocurrency Pin.

Dash Cryptocurrency Pin: Revolutionary Digital Cash

Get your 1" x 1" Dash Cryptocurrency Pin and show your support for the first autonomous decentralized self-promoting crypto currency. The organizing of Dash's promotion is built into a self-governing and self-funding algorithm that enables the Dash network to grow. It's a crypto currency designed to scale, be fast, and cheap! Dash is one of the few crypto currencies other than Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Lite Coin, and Zen Cash that have seen real world adoption by merchants thanks to retail apps such as AnyPay and CoinPayments. It's design makes it a revolutionary way of promoting the interests of crypto currency users without the reliance on other's generosity.

Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency Pin: Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash

Get your 1" x 1" Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency Pin and show your support for Satoshi Nakamoto's vision with a Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency Pin. Bitcoin was never meant to be a digital investment. Rather it was meant as a transactional currency that one could utilize in the conducting of business such as the exchange of goods. Let others know you support the use of crypto in your financial transactions and not just as some sketchy "investment" instrument! Bitcoin Cash is one of only a handful of real world crypto currencies being adopted by merchants today. Supporters of Bitcoin Cash include companies developing merchant tools such as AnyPay, BitPay, and CoinPayments. This means you can expect to see widespread adoption and will soon be able to easily spend Bitcoin Cash.

Monero Cryptocurrency Pin: Secure, Private, Untraceable

Get your 1" x 1" - Monero Cryptocurrency Pin. Show your support for secure, private, and untraceable crypto currencies. Let others know privacy in your financial transactions matter!

On August 24th, 2014 the coffee company Keurig Green Mountain announced the Keurig 2.0 coffee maker. With it the company introduced a detested technology called Digital Restrictions to the world of electrical appliances.

The next-generation machine forces users to brew with Keurig-approved coffee pods exclusively, using a digital scanner that looks for an ink marker on authorized K-cups. The company also discontinued its “My K-Cup” reusable pod, which meant that its customers can no longer use their own coffee in a Keurig 2.0 coffee maker.

These restrictions quickly drew the ire of customers and on May 6th Keurig made an announcement in an effort to stem the flow of fleeing customers that they were making changes. Unfortunately it quickly became apparent this was little more than a public relations move as the company stated it had no plans to remove the feature and rather would be making an effort to license the technology to more coffee companies.

Disgusted we began looking what we could do to help educate more users about these malicious features. Knowing full well we had a customer base more knowledgeable than most we thought “what about a DRM-free Coffee Mug to help promote DRM-free coffee makers?”. And so it was born.

Get your DRM-free coffee mug and say no to DRM-infected coffee. Not only will you be saying no to DRM-infected coffee, but you'll be helping educate the world about the problems digital restrictions bring to everything from technology to modern electrical appliances. Everybody around you will be asking “What's DRM? Should I be worried about it?” and to that you can apply affirmatively “Yes”.

Ed Snowden, Enemy of The State, Hero for the rest of us Bumper Sticker

Edward Snowden came to international attention after disclosing to several media outlets thousands of classified documents that he acquired while working as an NSA contractor. Snowden's leaked documents revealed numerous global surveillance programs, many of them run by the NSA and the Five Eyes with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and [we've been censored and can no longer list this union due to laws creating liability for us] governments.

A subject of controversy, Snowden has been variously called a hero, a whistleblower, a dissident, a patriot, and a traitor. His disclosures have fueled debates over mass surveillance, government secrecy, and the balance between national security and information privacy.

Use Firefox? Get the Privacy Badger from the EFF and limit the excessive invasion of your privacy.

Facebook Knows Exactly Where You Are Right Now Bumper Sticker

You thought the NSA was the only entity which knew exactly where you were and what you were up to? Think again. Every time you see a Facebook like button Facebook gets informed of your location and going ons. Facebook even has a larger budget for invading your privacy than the NSA.

Use Firefox? Get the Privacy Badger from the EFF and limit this excessive invasion of your privacy.