Shirts, CDs & Case Badges For GNU / Linux UsersAll The Other Good Stuff Protect yourself from government intrusion with a twist on the popular 'Bitcoin Accepted' stickers. Let customers know that not only do you accept Cryptocurrencies and Goldbacks, but that you prefer them! While cryptocurrencies & gold may not be perfect, at least they're solutions or a start thereof to government meddling in the affairs of freedom loving people everywhere.
Have you ever thought about a national divorce? A budding independence movement has taken New Hampshire by storm- with outrage in recent years over the growing hostility toward freedom by Washington DC politicians and a general apathy of most Americans. We've gathered enough support already in New Hampshire to push forward what is likely a historical first (in recent history): A constitutional amendment that would declare once again New Hampshire to be an independent state separate from the United States. While round one had 13 times as many state representatives supporting independence as better known independence movements (like Texas) and 70-78% public support from the public according to a Union Leader poll we're still likely a few years away from achieving an actual declaration on independence. However, no other independence movement within the United States has gotten so far with dozens of reps willing to put forth or take seriously a vote on independence. Support New Hampshire independence, and give freedom-loving people the world over a last bastion of hope, a place where we can call home. Support NHexit.US by buying a bumper sticker and letting everyone know you support the movement and/or grab a t-shirt for an even bigger impact. Let everyone know you support a greater, freer, and more prosperous independent New Hampshire. For more information about the growing independence movement in New Hampshire check out the website, watch the first statehouse floor debate and vote, or watch this Free State Project sponsored panel on why you should support New Hampshire independence. Product Details 10 x 3" Bumper Sticker Have you ever thought about a national divorce? A budding independence movement has taken New Hampshire by storm- with outrage in recent years over the growing hostility toward freedom by Washington DC politicians and a general apathy of most Americans. We've gathered enough support already in New Hampshire to push forward what is likely a historical first (in recent history): A constitutional amendment that would declare once again New Hampshire to be an independent state separate from the United States. While round one had 13 times as many state representatives supporting independence as better known independence movements (like Texas) and 70-78% public support from the public according to a Union Leader poll we're still likely a few years away from achieving an actual declaration on independence. However, no other independence movement within the United States has gotten so far with dozens of reps willing to put forth or take seriously a vote on independence. Support New Hampshire independence, and give freedom-loving people the world over a last bastion of hope, a place where we can call home. Support NHexit.US by buying a t-shirt and letting everyone know you support the movement and/or grab a bumper sticker for an even bigger impact. Let everyone know you support a greater, freer, and more prosperous independent New Hampshire. For more information about the growing independence movement in New Hampshire check out the website, watch the first statehouse floor debate and vote, or watch this Free State Project sponsored panel on why you should support New Hampshire independence. Product details: Gildan - Heavy Cotton™ T-Shirt Color: Dark Heather 50/50 cotton/poly Protect yourself from government intrusion with a twist on the popular 'Bitcoin Accepted' stickers. Let customers know that not only do you accept Cryptocurrencies and Goldbacks, but that you prefer them! While cryptocurrencies & gold may not be perfect, at least they're solutions or a start thereof to government meddling in the affairs of freedom loving people everywhere. Don't accept all these cryptocurrencies yet? No problem! These are kiss-cut stickers which means that you can peel off the cryptocurrencies you don't yet accept. Still unsure what that means check out this example of a sticker where a particular crypto was removed from display.
Need assistance resolving a pesky technical problem? Schedule an appointment with us and we'll help diagnose and resolve any issues surrounding your GNU/Linux system. Please be aware that some support under GNU/Linux is included with products purchased from our catalog at no additional charge and this service option is intended for those who need support above and beyond what is already included, or otherwise outside the scope of our normal offerings.
In the early morning of Tuesday, Mar. 16, 2021, federal and local agents kicked the doors in at the Free Talk Live studio, the Bitcoin Embassy in Keene, NH, and the Shire Free Church, and 16 other properties arresting 6 individuals and confiscating several Bitcoin vending machines, computers and other personal items. Back in 2016 a FBI agent lied to a judge in order to get a warrant to raid the studio over what would turn out to be non-existent child pornography. It turned out this was a retaliatory attack on Free Talk Live that resulted from a co-host of the show criticizing the FBI's handling of a dark web child pornography case called Playpen. The FBI had added servers and capacity and incentives pedophiles to access and download child pornography. The reason that child pornography is illegal is that it hurts children. This is what the FBI says routinely. The criticism is in that if this statement is true then the FBI was hurting children by distributing child pornography by their own admission. Free Talk Live was the only major non-tech outlet to report on this story. The FBI didn't like this and in an attempt to slander the name of a leading activist in New Hampshire (Ian Freeman and a partner in the Free Talk Live show enterprise) raided the FTL studio over non-existent child pornography claiming someone at the address accessed the Playpen site. Even when a person is not convicted of a crime they do not get back the property containing that illegal possession. One would be arrestable for the possession of child porn once again if that were not the case. Just because a person isn't convicted of possessing weed does not mean that the person can get back the weed that was stolen from them. It's still illegal to possess after all. Why everyone can be reasonably sure there never was any child porn is that the FBI was sued and forced to return computers stolen in the raid. The FBI immediately started looking for something else to go after Ian Freeman for. Him and particularly others critical in the operations of Free Talk Live. What is now apparent is they decided to go after Ian Freeman and those surrounding him for using and selling cryptocurrency. While this case is about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency it goes far beyond that. It's fundamentally a political attack and simultaneously an attempt to criminalize cryptocurrency users. These individuals now need our help in raising funds for 5 out of the 6 defendants (Ian Freeman was able to retain his own legal council). This case is one of the most important cases in the history of Bitcoin explicitly because the defendants will not settle. This case will determine whether or not Bitcoin is a currency or an asset. Help us raise funds for the recovery and legal defense of those involved. You can purchase a T-shirt to show your support, but you can also contribute financially to the campaign by selecting to include an additional financial donation with the purchase. You can also make a financial contribution via (and yes, cryptocurrency is accepted) Video of the raid has been published on: IPFS Product notes: Gildan Heavy Cotton Short Sleeve T-Shirt Parabola GNU/Linux-libre is a free software community built, advanced user, Arch-derived distribution that aims to remove problematic non-free components that wreck havoc on a users freedom and control of the PC.
* Please note that while Parabola GNU/Linux-libre has support for a lot of hardware not all hardware is created equal and the user experience may suffer on systems that aren't fully supported or designed for GNU/Linux. If you need advice on the best hardware to get feel free to contact our support team. * Please also note that installation support is not included in this offering as the distribution is aimed at more advanced users and may require significant reading of documentation and possibly contact with other Parabola GNU/Linux-libre users via the official IRC channel in order to figure out how to get around any current undocumented bugs in the distribution. As Parabola GNU/Linux-libre is a rolling release distribution that aims to be more up to date than easy to use users should expect to encounter more difficulty during the installation and use. Guix System is an advanced distribution of the GNU operating system. It uses the Linux-libre kernel, and support for the Hurd is being worked on. As a GNU distribution, it is committed to respecting and enhancing the freedom of its users. As such, it adheres to the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines.
Some of the advantages of the GNU Guix System include:
GNU Guix focuses on respecting the user’s computing freedom. It builds around the kernel Linux-libre, which means that only hardware for which free software drivers and firmware exist is supported. Nowadays, a wide range of off-the-shelf hardware is supported on GNU/Linux-libre—from keyboards to graphics cards to scanners and Ethernet controllers. Unfortunately, there are still areas where hardware vendors deny users control over their own computing, and such hardware is not supported on Guix System. Does using the government's dirty fiat embarrass you? Do you need a freedom friendly solution to your transactional woes? If you are afraid the world is going to end and all that cryptocurrency you've been saving up will eventually disappear then we've got a solution for you! Diversify your assets by picking up some GNU (slash) Linux There are some great side benefits to picking up GNU (slash) Linux Don't just use free software! Make it your mission in life to get people saying GNU (slash) Linux! Cause only then will people know that Linux is more than just gratis. GNU/Linux is libre too! * Accepted by true believers everywhere! Get your silver plated novelty token and start talking GNU (slash) Linux today.. or some time in the future when the postal service decides to actually start delivering again and stops wasting its time taking part in FBI raids of our communities churches, homes, and businesses over BS cryptocurrency charges (crypto is just the excuse, freedom and politics is the fundamental underlying reason for these unconscionable raids on peaceful people). You may think I'm kidding, but no, this part isn't a joke. I'm not. Watch the March 16, 2021 FBI raid (2nd BS FBI raid in 5 years) of which was one part in an attack targeting 19 properties and six individuals advocating freedom and peaceful resistance (Free State Project & related freedom migration movements, ie even against a violent state: The Crypto 6. Each * Note (cause government agents are too stupid to recognize what this is): This GNU (slash) Linux * Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. * GNU is a registered trademark of the Free Software Foundation. * A quantity of 1 is one * The censored wording here is the result of convictions of others by the US government who claim exclusive use of the word coin to mean US currency even though the word in practical usage expands far beyond US currency to include foreign currencies and novelty tokens. Please note this item is not available for shipping to those outside the United States due to customs restrictions in most countries. We know you already have a Stuffed Baby GNU, but don't you think you aught to consider adding a stuffed Tux to your collection too? After all he's a pretty critical component of the pair! This cuddly plush penguin really wants to be part of your family. Tux is just 5-6" tall and will fit nicely next to your baby GNU! Tux is the mascot of the Linux kernel, a core component at the heart of every GNU/Linux system. The GNU project pre-dates Linux and consists of the core collection of free software that makes up a GNU/Linux distribution. The project has a slightly less imaginative mascot represented by a GNU. However, it's name is quite entertaining: GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix!". Note: The GNU in the picture to the right is NOT included in this purchase. What you are getting is JUST a stuffed penguin, Mr Tux. If we're mistaken and you don't already have a GNU consider checking out the Free Software Foundation's shop. The FSF sells a Stuffed Baby GNU. It's purchase helps to fund the Free Software Foundation whose mission includes the promotion of free software, the GNU project, and the ideals thereof! |